Joueurs de Berkane bloqués à l'aéroport d'Alger

If the Karghouli is not punished, he will continue being a Karghouli and make Africa look bad.

Talk Show Reaction GIF by iOne Digital
The Karghouli Is Pathetic. He is still taking about Gassama and Cameroon. And now Guinea
has a good chance us to rid us of the Karghouli in WC 2026.

That second goal scored by Guinea was as pleasant as the one scored by Ekambi.

Lekjaa. Lekjaa. Lekjaa. Personally I Call Him Sir Lekjaa.

The Guinean Team Received Nicely In Morocco. Bendir. Music. Dates And Milk.


I would be happy to see Guinea in the world cup 2026. Very happy.
I remember Feinduno and Balde from that game against Guinea
when Zaki was coach ....

Balde was a big guy. A huge defensive player. Well we took care of Balde
and we beat Guinea 1-0. It was unorthodox to say the least. Poor
old Balde got a red card. He overreacted to one of our players slipping his finger in Balde's shorts.

Marvel Studios Smile GIF by Disney+

O I felt so bad for Balde and Guinea. Terrible.

That 70S Show Lol GIF by Peacock