How to know the Israeli products so you can boycott them

Israeli product carry the unique code starting with 729 Most of the products have a bar code to identify them. Each bar code contains a lot of information such as the factory and also the country where it is produced.

Some examples that has nothing to do with Israel:
383 EAN Slovenija
471 EAN Taiwan

A bar code starting with "729" indicates that this product is produced
in Israel 729 Israeli Bar Code Association - EAN Israel This is a modest, simple and effective way to support Palestinian struggle against Israeli occupation and ethnic crimes against human beings. Sometimes brands are misleading, a bar code never lies if it carries that 729

I count on you to pass these information to all your friends, family and relatives.


i am what i am
thank you so many people would like know that but don t you know that wagers there are palestinians.they will be the ones who ll pay don t you think?