Sans maquillage?


J'ai mal à ma France...
Déçu par le visage de sa femme lorsque celle-ci n’est pas maquillée, un Algérien réclame 20 000 dollars de dommages et intérêts à la jeune femme.

Groom sues bride for not looking pretty without make-upDemands $20,000 damages for shocking him


Published Monday, August 03, 2015
An Algerian groom took his bride to court just a day after their marriage, accusing her of not looking as pretty as before the wedding and of cheating him with much make-up.

The groom, who is seeking $20,000 damages, told court in the capital Algiers that he was shocked when he got up in the next morning and found that his wife looked so different, that he could not recognise her.

Newspapers in the North African Arab country said the groom swore in court that he even mistook his wife for a “thief who came to steal his apartment".

“The groom told the judge that he could not recognise his wife after she washed the make-up off her face.

"He said he was deceived by her as she used to fill up her face with make up before their marriage,” the papers said, quoting a court source.

“He said she looked very beautiful and attractive before marriage, but when he woke up in the morning and found that she had washed the make-up off her face, he was frightened as he thought she was a thief.

"The groom told court that he is demanding $20,000 damages for his psychological suffering.”

He's an idiot.

ça dépend le maquillage c'est parfois une sacré escroquerie. Je trouve cette affaire symbolique au vu de l'époque. Toutes les femmes savent se maquiller maintenant, comment se mettre à leur avantage, étirer des yeux ronds, mettre du relief. Il n'a pas du la reconnaître le matin. Mais bon moi pour moi femme très maquillée = femme masquée = kinder surprise

quand il a vu ça tete le matin il a porté plainte mdrrrrrrrrr


Non connecté
ça dépend le maquillage c'est parfois une sacré escroquerie. Je trouve cette affaire symbolique au vu de l'époque. Toutes les femmes savent se maquiller maintenant, comment se mettre à leur avantage, étirer des yeux ronds, mettre du relief. Il n'a pas du la reconnaître le matin. Mais bon moi pour moi femme très maquillée = femme masquée = kinder surprise

quand il a vu ça tete le matin il a porté plainte mdrrrrrrrrr

Pas ttes savent se maquiller:intello:


Je suis heureuse de ne pas aimer ça et de pas en mettre! Parce que à coup sûr vu mon ignorance et incompé ressemblerai à une drag queen lol

Haha ! Moi j'aime bien ça, je trouve ça joli quand c'est bien fait. Je devrais prendre des cours un jour.

Quand tu te marieras, ça sera l'occasion de bien te maquiller incha'Allah :p


Non connecté
Haha ! Moi j'aime bien ça, je trouve ça joli quand c'est bien fait. Je devrais prendre des cours un jour.

Quand tu te marieras, ça sera l'occasion de bien te maquiller incha'Allah :p

J'aime vraiment pas!

Une chance pour moi que ce jour n'arrivera pas:p


ça dépend le maquillage c'est parfois une sacré escroquerie. Je trouve cette affaire symbolique au vu de l'époque. Toutes les femmes savent se maquiller maintenant, comment se mettre à leur avantage, étirer des yeux ronds, mettre du relief. Il n'a pas du la reconnaître le matin. Mais bon moi pour moi femme très maquillée = femme masquée = kinder surprise

quand il a vu ça tete le matin il a porté plainte mdrrrrrrrrr
non lli zween zween oulli khayeb rah khayeb wakha blapantoura:p
Déçu par le visage de sa femme lorsque celle-ci n’est pas maquillée, un Algérien réclame 20 000 dollars de dommages et intérêts à la jeune femme.

Groom sues bride for not looking pretty without make-upDemands $20,000 damages for shocking him


Published Monday, August 03, 2015
An Algerian groom took his bride to court just a day after their marriage, accusing her of not looking as pretty as before the wedding and of cheating him with much make-up.

The groom, who is seeking $20,000 damages, told court in the capital Algiers that he was shocked when he got up in the next morning and found that his wife looked so different, that he could not recognise her.

Newspapers in the North African Arab country said the groom swore in court that he even mistook his wife for a “thief who came to steal his apartment".

“The groom told the judge that he could not recognise his wife after she washed the make-up off her face.

"He said he was deceived by her as she used to fill up her face with make up before their marriage,” the papers said, quoting a court source.

“He said she looked very beautiful and attractive before marriage, but when he woke up in the morning and found that she had washed the make-up off her face, he was frightened as he thought she was a thief.

"The groom told court that he is demanding $20,000 damages for his psychological suffering.”


Il est flou Afflelou


Déçu par le visage de sa femme lorsque celle-ci n’est pas maquillée, un Algérien réclame 20 000 dollars de dommages et intérêts à la jeune femme.

Groom sues bride for not looking pretty without make-upDemands $20,000 damages for shocking him


Published Monday, August 03, 2015
An Algerian groom took his bride to court just a day after their marriage, accusing her of not looking as pretty as before the wedding and of cheating him with much make-up.

The groom, who is seeking $20,000 damages, told court in the capital Algiers that he was shocked when he got up in the next morning and found that his wife looked so different, that he could not recognise her.

Newspapers in the North African Arab country said the groom swore in court that he even mistook his wife for a “thief who came to steal his apartment".

“The groom told the judge that he could not recognise his wife after she washed the make-up off her face.

"He said he was deceived by her as she used to fill up her face with make up before their marriage,” the papers said, quoting a court source.

“He said she looked very beautiful and attractive before marriage, but when he woke up in the morning and found that she had washed the make-up off her face, he was frightened as he thought she was a thief.

"The groom told court that he is demanding $20,000 damages for his psychological suffering.”

Il est sérieux le gas?
En tt cas moi jdus chapeau si elle a réussi à le tromper à ce point sur la marchandise!!
Égoïsme et superficialité ne font pas bon ménage
Déçu par le visage de sa femme lorsque celle-ci n’est pas maquillée, un Algérien réclame 20 000 dollars de dommages et intérêts à la jeune femme.

Groom sues bride for not looking pretty without make-upDemands $20,000 damages for shocking him


Published Monday, August 03, 2015
An Algerian groom took his bride to court just a day after their marriage, accusing her of not looking as pretty as before the wedding and of cheating him with much make-up.

The groom, who is seeking $20,000 damages, told court in the capital Algiers that he was shocked when he got up in the next morning and found that his wife looked so different, that he could not recognise her.

Newspapers in the North African Arab country said the groom swore in court that he even mistook his wife for a “thief who came to steal his apartment".

“The groom told the judge that he could not recognise his wife after she washed the make-up off her face.

"He said he was deceived by her as she used to fill up her face with make up before their marriage,” the papers said, quoting a court source.

“He said she looked very beautiful and attractive before marriage, but when he woke up in the morning and found that she had washed the make-up off her face, he was frightened as he thought she was a thief.

"The groom told court that he is demanding $20,000 damages for his psychological suffering.”

Il ne l'a jamais vu ou demandé à la voir sans ?
Soit il est *** soit c'est pour l'argent