Marier une marocaine à Montréal.


Al 3AZ Oula KHOZ

Si un marocain à Montréal (Citoyen Canadien) marie une marocaine à Montréal (Citoyenne marocaine ou résidente permanente) comment ils doivent procéder.

Est-ce-qu'il faut aller à la MOSQUÉE en premier lieu.

Ensuite il faut aller au consulat??????

tirer du site de l'ICQ:

Marriage Services
By the Grace of Allah, in the year 1964 and according to the private Bill number 194, the ICQ has been given the exclusive permission to perform, conduct and register marriages among Muslims.

Couples who wish to marry are required to produce Certificates of Birth and complete the Marriage Ban form. After determining the marriage date, the couples are required to bring with them two witnesses. Marriage rituals are performed according to Islamic Shariaa. A copy of the government declaration is given to the couple for their record. Marriages are usually performed every Sunday between 11:00 AM and 1:30 PM. However, arrangements can be made on other days by prior appointment, we also provide marriages services outside the masjid .

As of March 2009, more than 4500 marriages has been performed by the ICQ.
Cheikh Imam Bukhari is the person in charge of performing marriages and acts as the official registrar.

We provide services for legal and religious marriages in French , English, Arabic and Urdu.
J,étais témoin d'un mariage marocain.
Ils sont passés à la mosquée en premier, et l'imam se charge de transmettre une copie de l'acte.
et ce que je sais il est préférable de passer en premier par la mosquée. Il faut prendre un rendez vous.
Lah ikkamel bel kheir