Des mercenaires étrangers tués au yemen (article en anglais)


Evil Halouf
An Australian mercenary has reportedly been killed in clashes in Yemen, alongside six Colombian troops.

Guardian Australia understands the Australian commander was named Philip Stitman.

It’s believed he was employed as a mercenary by the United Arab Emirates to lead Colombian fighters against the Houthis in the country’s south.

Local media reports said six Colombian soldiers under the Australian’s command had also been killed. They were reportedly advancing towards the al-Amri area in the heavily contested Taiz province, in Yemen’s south-west. The mercenaries, including the Australian, were fighting with the private military contractor Blackwater, the reports said.

Yemen is torn by fighting between the US-supported, internationally recognised government, backed by the Saudi-led coalition, and rebels known as Houthis, allied with a former president.

The war has killed at least 5,700 people including over 2,300 civilians since March, when the fighting escalated and the Saudi-led air campaign began, according to the United Nations.

Saudi Arabia is leading a coalition of disparate forces in the war against the Shia Houthi militia, including includes Egyptians, Sudanese, private contractors and Colombians under the direction of the United Arab Emirates.

Last month the New York Times reported the UAE had sent hundreds of Colombian mercenaries to fight in the conflict.

Sarah Phillips, a Yemen specialist at the University of Sydney, said the conflict was ostensibly a civil war but had become a proxy fight for influence between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

“The Saudis believe the Iranians are using the Houthi militia as a proxy force,” Phillips said.

“They also fear a demonstrative effect: if Saudis see Yemenis overthrow their government there are fears it could carry over ... They’re very concerned about what that says to their population in Saudi Arabia.”

Phillips said the United Kingdom and United States were backing the Saudi-led coalition, which has been accused of using cluster bombs banned under international treaties.

On Monday, the UN special envoy for Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, told reporters in Geneva that Yemen’s warring sides have agreed to hold peace talks in Switzerland next week.

Previous peace efforts have ended in failure, with the Yemeni government, which has been mostly in self-exile in Saudi Arabia, demanding the implementation of a UN resolution calling on the Houthis to lay down arms seized from the state and withdraw from territory, including the capital, Sanaa. The Houthis want broader negotiations on the country’s political future.

The Guardian
Un complément en français

Coalition arabe au Yémen : mais que font les Colombiens dans cette galère ?

Quelque 450 mercenaires latinos, recrutés par les Émiratis, viennent grossir les rangs de la coalition arabe qui combat les rebelles houthistes.

Ils sont Panaméens, Salvadoriens, Chiliens et surtout Colombiens, ces derniers particulièrement aguerris après des années de combat dans la jungle contre les rebelles des Farc… En tout 450 mercenaires, rémunérés par les Émirats arabes unis, viennent de se jeter dans le chaotique champ de bataille yéménite, où s’affrontent forces gouvernementales, tribus armées et organisations terroristes.

À en croire le quotidien basé à Paris, ces mercenaires sont généralement des soldats en retraite, généreusement payés en pétrodollars émiratis : leur salaire mensuel peut atteindre 3 000 dollars, soit 7,5 fois la solde moyenne en Colombie. Les hommes de l’unité déployée au Yémen percevront une prime hebdomadaire de 1 000 dollars.

Guerre par procuration

Depuis huit mois, ce pays est le théâtre d’une guerre par procuration menée par les monarchies pétrolières du Golfe. « Utiliser des mercenaires est une option séduisante pour les pays riches qui aspirent à faire la guerre mais dont les ressortissants ne veulent pas se battre », analyse Sean McFate, auteur de The Modern Mercenary