Recherche d'emploi - Test en anglais


Al 3AZ Oula KHOZ
Salam Bladinautes,

J'aimerais partager avec vous ce petit test que j'ai pass é à l'organisme YES MONTRÉAL (Organisme Anglophone de recherche d'emploi à Montréal). Je vous donnerai les réponses + tard. Veuillez répondre par oui ou non. merci.

Questions :

1- Developing an outstanding résumé is the first step in any job search?.

2- When applying to job posting, It is recommended to wait for the employer to contact me

3 - The proper response when asked in an interview what my salary expectations are is "I'm flexible",

4 - Most jobs are filled through online job boards like Monster, Workopolis and Jobboom?.

5 - The first five minutes fo an interview are the most important?.

6 - The first step toward re-employment is to immediately contact as many people as
possible to let them know that you are looking for work?.

7 - The best qualified person always gest the job?.

8 - Most people underestimate their ability?.

9 - If a job search takes over 3 months, I should give up as there is no way my luck could
improve later on?.

10 - I should spend 35-40 hours per week looking for a job ?.

11 - The best thing I can do is let go of any expectation that the way companies recruit is
orderly, sensible, and fair?.

12 - Nobody reads cover letters ?.

13 - It is the best to accept the job offer before settling on the terms of the position.
You can always negotiate afterwards?.

14 - The best place to send résumés is to the human resources department?.

15 - Conducting a successful job search means having the ability to manage any negative
feelings, attitudes or thoughts I may have?.