African Lion 2024

The Eagles Are In Agadir Tic Tic Tic Where The Saint John Was Born On June 25th 1965.

America Descend GIF by Nat Geo Wild
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The 80s. Back when I was going to the American School Of Tangiers, they would take us (students) to visit
the US warships and submarines ... They would do some demonstrations with all types of canons ....
all moving at the same time ....

Here We Go Wow GIF by Teddy Too Big

And they would give us ice cream ....

Happy Lets Go GIF by Kamie Crawford
Them Big Black Navy Boys Would Come To Our School And Play Basket Ball
on our court. Big MFS. I Tell Ya.

Hassan Ben Khaddouj, our coach and a player on the Moroccan National team, would play with them. He did OK.

We Just Sit There And Watch In Awe.

Chicago Bulls Basketball GIF
Tagadirt Where Saint John Was Born. The Atlantic Is Mine.

The Southern Command. Mohammed VI Spent Some Time There When He Was The Crown Prince.
As a kid I used to see General Dlimi ... We played soccer right by the villa where he was residing
in one of the finest neighborhoods in Tagadirt. Quartier Suisse. At least that is what it
used to be called. It Was A ***-De-Sac. The General would come, we stop playing, he would
go in and then we continue playing ....

Having said that during the war, the planes used to take off from the Imperial Marrakesh to go bombard the Harkis ...
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وقع المغرب والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، اليوم الثلاثاء بالرباط، على خارطة طريق تتعلق بالتعاون العسكري، وتتضمن التوجهات التي يتعين اتباعها لتنفيذ الأنشطة المعتمدة في إطار الدورة الـ 13 للجنة الاستشارية للدفاع المغربية - الأمريكية.
The Mighty Pacific. San Diego Has Some Of The Largest Bases.

I was there in February .. I could hear the jets and the helicopters.
Lots of activity. It was more than normal ...

I took this outside the hotel as I was waiting for Uber to take me to UC San Diego Supercomputer Center.

1979 Bir Anzaran. The Battle That Changed Everything.

After having pushed Sister Mauritania out, The Karaghila and their cronies showed up
in unusual large numbers. Their goal was to take over Dakhla and establish a foothold by The

They saw our men and thought it was going an easy battle. The Moroccans were largely outnumbered.
Surprise. Surprise. Those men were the Cream Of The Crop. The Best Of The Best. They fought
hard. Very hard and shocked the Karaghila and the Polikahara. The Karaghila and their cronies
had to retreat in despair. They Left Their Sandals ...

That 70S Show Lol GIF by Peacock

That Day They Understood That We Were There To Stay FOREVER.
Guelmim-Tagadirt: The Apaches are flying very low over the beaches of The Atlantic ...


Flying Bald Eagle GIF by BBC America

The Lion King GIF by Walt Disney Studios
Flying Bald Eagle GIF by BBC America

This Was In Agadir And During The War And Little Saint John Was Paying Attention.

Uncle Kader Turning To His Older Brother My Dad As He Opens A Door To A Huge Arms Depot: "A Gift from The Americans."
Dernière édition:
This must be Benguerir. Rhamna. One can see this base on the Al Watania from Marrakesh to Casablanca.
It is a huge base ... Benguerir is about one hour drive from Marrakesh.

The air force base in Marrakesh was used to bombard the Harkis during the Sahara War.
This base here in Benguerir will be the one used to bombard the Harkis if they ever they show
their face in the Desert. These days they keep sending a couple of Harkis here and a couple
Harkis there. ..... The drones suffice ....Quiet but Efficient.

Little Sister Soubha joined the air force base in Marrakesh ....

Happy Lets Go GIF by Kamie Crawford

A few months later La Karima told me that she ran away TWICE. Yes she would escape
and show up at home for lunch ... La Karima gave up.

Knock. Knock.

La Karima: "Who is it?"
Soubha: "It is Me. Mama. Soubha. Let me in. I am hungry"

Think High School GIF by Paramount Movies
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Little Sister Soubha would have been a fine soldier. La Karima complained to me.
She was a force to be reckoned with in Hammam Salama.

Fast And Furious Fight GIF by The Fast Saga

Yes you can say it was Hammam Salama when little Sister Soubha was not there.
The Marines. Langley is The First Black Four-Star General In United States Marine Corps.


Michael Elliott Langley (born 1961/1962)[1] is a United States Marine Corps general who has served as the commander of the United States Africa Command since August 9, 2022.[2][3] He most recently served as commander of United States Marine Corps Forces Command, United States Marine Corps Forces Northern Command, and Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic from November 2021 to August 2022.[4] He also served as deputy commander of Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic and before that as commander of United States Marine Forces Europe and Africa.[5][6][7][8]

Langley is the first black four-star general in the United States Marine Corps, having been promoted to that rank on August 6, 2022.[9][10][11]