Looking to volunteer

I'm coming to Marrakesh in a few weeks and and I really wanted to volunteer at an Orphanage for a day doing arts and crafs with the kids (I'll bring all the supplies & leave whatevers left behind) and I was wondering if anyone new of any good places? I've been looking online, but I'm having some trouble.
It would be good to have a street addess, email and contact number.

Thanks in advance!
this is so nice of you, often kids get neglected in poor countries. since help is sparse.
although morrocco is poor i am not sure this is an easy task. you probably need a little more research so your goodwill will not end-up helping the wrong organization benefitting the center's director rather than the kids. (i am trying to be as PC as i can here)

here is one place you might consider

please share with us as you live this experience.