aussi en prison nos amis anglais

Les Anglais sont coincés chez eux jusqu'au 1er décembre, et sans doute plus longtemps, ce qui pose un souci vu qu'ils commencent à acheter les cadeaux de Noël en novembre mais 8 milliards de cadeaux dépensés en 2019 ne seront pas là.

★ Une jeune femme a été menacée par le gouvernement anglais d'une perquisition chez elle si elle ne téléchargeait pas l'application de suivi Covid qui permet de la tracer partout. " features the story of a woman from Skipton who tested positive for COVID-19 and immediately self-isolated. This was followed by in excess of 20 text messages demanding that she download the NHS App.

She did not do so since she doesn’t want to be followed round by it and she’s self-isolating anyway. She was then telephoned by the Test and Trace system and the caller threatened her with a "police check at your address if you do not download the app."
★ La/le ministre anglais veut INTERDIRE toute manifestation de plus de ... 2 personnes : "Coronavirus lockdown: Priti Patel wants police to stop protests of more than two. The home secretary is seeking to remove an exemption that allowed demonstrations to go forward under certain conditions despite the pandemic. Protests involving more than two people will be prohibited during the lockdown, The Times understands. Ministers are poised to remove any exemption for protesters and say the rules need to be clear and fair", lire ici le Times de Londres.
★ Les aéroports de plus en plus nombreux à taxer les passagers d'un test moyennant 80 ou 250 euros... à rajouter au prix du billet, et je ne vous parle pas du retour !!!

★ La police de l'aéroport de Roissy a arrêté 4 personnes pour trafic de faux certificats non-Covid !

★ Aegean Airlines demande aux passagers un test PCR avant de monter dans l'avion: ''International Flights: According to the new regulations as of Tuesday, November 10th all passengers, incoming and also, as decided by the authorites, the outgoing ones, must have completed the PLF (Passenger Locator Form), not later than the previous day of their flight. In addition, as of Wednesday, November 11th all passengers entering Greece are required to hold a negative molecular control (PCR) COVID-19 test result, which must have been carried out up to 72 hours before their arrival in Greece.''