Royal Air Maroc se plaint de la concurrence

Bladi Robot

Je suis un vrai robot!
Abdelhamid Addou, le PDG de Royal Air Maroc, appelle à une révision des accords de l'Open Sky (ciel ouvert) entre le Maroc et l'Union européenne, en vigueur depuis 2005. Ceci, en vue d'atténuer ses effets pervers sur la compagnie marocaine et garantir des conditions de concurrence plus équitables.
« En termes de régulation, il serait temps de revoir l'approche de l'Open Sky pour en faire un outil qui préserve la concurrence », a déclaré mercredi Abdelhamid Addou, lors d'une conférence (…)

- Maroc / Royal Air Maroc (RAM), Abdelhamid Addou, Conseil de la concurrence, Union européenne, Transport aérien

Royal Air Maroc se plaint de la concurrence
Il pleurniche depuis l'an 2001... et je ne sais même pas comment il a fait pour atterrir à ce poste... Mais bon telle est la vie... En ce qui concerne ses doléances, pour moi elles sont irrecevables.

I love Royal Air Maroc. I never had any problems. In fact quite the opposite. The girls
were always very nice to me. Mardi Al Walidine. I guess.

Meme Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

First I was proud to see that RAM is one of the few African Airlines servicing USA. And still is.

Jodie Foster Oscars GIF by The Academy Awards

I also liked the Moroccan Fish Tagine they used to serve. And back in the day in the 80s
on the New York-Casablanca flight, the girsl used to take out all the beer and put it in
the back of the plane. A huge bucket of beer. Guys like Me, we used to go to the back and just hangout,
smoke cigarettes and drink beer. Good Memories.

"Ok Guys" the girls would tell us. It is time to take your seats. We are getting ready to land in Casablanca.

We Have Crossed The Atlantic. The Mighty Atlantic.

Happy Well Done GIF by Top Talent

I love Royal Air Maroc. I never had any problems. In fact quite the opposite. The girls
were always very nice to me. Mardi Al Walidine. I guess.

Meme Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

First I was proud to see that RAM is one of the few African Airlines servicing USA. And still is.

Jodie Foster Oscars GIF by The Academy Awards

I also liked the Moroccan Fish Tagine they used to serve. And back in the day in the 80s
on the New York-Casablanca flight, the girsl used to take out all the beer and put it in
the back of the plane. A huge bucket of beer. Guys like Me, we used to go to the back and just hangout,
smoke cigarettes and drink beer. Good Memories.

"Ok Guys" the girls would tell us. It is time to take your seats. We are getting ready to land in Casablanca.

We Have Crossed The Atlantic. The Mighty Atlantic.

Happy Well Done GIF by Top Talent