Should I move from Canada to Morocco?


I grew up and currently live in Canada, and I also have the Moroccan citizenship. I’ve been thinking about moving to Morocco for a while now, but I’m not sure if it’s the right move. My initial motivation was that it is a Muslim-majority country (although it more or less upholds Islamic value) and so it aligns more my values, being a Muslim myself.

The problem is that I feel Morocco in 2022 is very different from the Morocco I knew, and the Morocco my parents grew up in. I see a lot of liberal (in the ideological, not liberal sense or the term) ideologies and secular ethics like feminism, the separation of the religion from the state by removing blasphemy laws and laws forbidding sexual relationships about marriage. This makes me question my decision, since there is no point in moving from Canada to Morocco if the way of life is the same. What is your opinion on the Islamic future of Morocco? Is it naive to expect to find my Muslim values in the country, now and in the future? I am apolitical, I just want to live somewhere where noble Islamic values are upheld.

I’m not looking for advice regarding work, living conditions, healthcare system, etc., as I already have these figured out. I just want your view regarding the future of Morocco Islamically speaking.
Jazāk Allāhu Khayran