je cherche des forums de discussion en anglais

tout est dans le titre , je cherche des forums en anglais pour améliorer mon niveau ; que suggérez vous ?

Tout est bon à prendre, perso, je suis souvent connecté sur eBay, donc le forum d' m'est très utile pour apprendre des expressions subtiles liées à l'argot, le jargon commercial ...

Sinon, tu peux chercher sur les versions UK et US de google, en tapant forum + tes sujets favoris, tu auras largement de quoi faire.


Meant to be UNIQUE :)
hi misslolly ;
i read your thread : confused between 2 countries and i want to know if you have taken the décision to immigrate to Canada ,
what do you mean by Googgggggggle ?

Hi to you

"confused btw 2 countries" is not thread ;)

And i m not in Canada

Learning English is not about forums only
you have to find someone to practice it as well as read it
so don't base only in Forums, you can also learn from TV and songs as well
Live Radio also can make u practice it

for me i m living in Dubai and English is the daily language we are using here
so i found myself learning in daily basis either at my work place or in shopping malls and even with friends

Google it means u ll find so many interesting websites and forums in GOOGLE
Tout est bon à prendre, perso, je suis souvent connecté sur eBay, donc le forum d' m'est très utile pour apprendre des expressions subtiles liées à l'argot, le jargon commercial ...

Sinon, tu peux chercher sur les versions UK et US de google, en tapant forum + tes sujets favoris, tu auras largement de quoi faire.
hi crocodile ;
merci pour ta réponse ; je cherche surtout des forums comme : histoires de coeur ..
Hi to you

"confused btw 2 countries" is not thread ;)

And i m not in Canada

Learning English is not about forums only
you have to find someone to practice it as well as read it
so don't base only in Forums, you can also learn from TV and songs as well
Live Radio also can make u practice it

for me i m living in Dubai and English is the daily language we are using here
so i found myself learning in daily basis either at my work place or in shopping malls and even with friends

Google it means u ll find so many interesting websites and forums in GOOGLE
Oh sorry (confused between 2 countries ) was posted by :pinkyLife ,
learning english from TV is impossible for me ; i try sometimes to watch BBC and EURONEWS but i can't understand anything ; sometimes i thought i am listining chineese and not english; i have a strange question : how i can use a smiling face as the one you have used after : is not thread
Rather, isn't it not better to find an English speaking partner, with whom you can practice many other things in so many different ways, including English ??.
Hi mr.Sword and dont cut me please :)
I agree that the ideal way is to find an English speaker partner ; i tried it a lot of times (Skype , facebook..) but in vain , you will ask each other : what's your name ; what is your job , where do you live ...and that's all ;
Misslolly has suggested to me : but i found it not very intersting