Joueurs de Berkane bloqués à l'aéroport d'Alger

First African Country To Qualify To The World Cup.
First African Country To Qualify The The Second Round.


"Poor Soul. I Am Afraid The Strain Was More Than He Could Bear."
The End Of Johnny Ringo. Some Don't Think It Happened This Way.
No Matter.
He Was Found Dead. And We Will Never Know What Really
Went Down.

Do you see Johnny Ringo's face when he saw Doc Holliday?
There was no stopping it. Too late. It had to be done.

The Squirming Around Stopped. For Good.

Dernière édition:
The 4-0 In Berkane and the 0-4 in Karghala Were What We Call An Easy Shutout.

This 3-0 Was A Difficult Shutout. Not sure the Karghouli, The Bubble Boy, has seen it.

Prophetic Shutout. Historical. World Class.
Cinderella Was Reborn.

Yes Cinderella Was Reborn And The Scary Sir Lekjaa Emerged.

happy kids GIF
Kamal Al Mourrakoushi. Coffee for 7 dirhams and possibly a free small water.

Getting Ready For The Big Game. TOMORROW. Berkane Versus Foul Moudammas.

Marrakesh Supports Berkane.
Sire Aala Barakati Lah.
Bilade Choraffaaaaa Saadyeenes.
Dernière édition:

The Harki Ibnou Karghouli had at least two chances to come and play with us in the desert. 1975 and 1979.
The Coward was a No Show. That was a big mistake. Huge. A BLUNDER. And now he suffers. He lost so much.
He is in pain. He is hurting a great deal. Poor soul. He can't even hide it anymore ....
And the world is watching. The Moroccans are watching.

I was watching this video and I saw this. So I took a screenshot ... Now I don't speak Spanish.
But I can make out that the world is onto the Karghouli .... Even the bloodsuckers are starting
to back off .... Goddamn You Karghouli. Get Hold Of Yourself. You Are A Disgrace To Your Kind.

"Keep A Cool Tool Fool. Because I Am Wise To The Rise In Your Levis."

Dernière édition:
Well Maybe Next Time. For The Occasion I Treated Myself To Some Crab.
Crab Is As You Know Orange Color.

Episode 2 Idk GIF by The Office


I Strongly Recommend Anchovies. Harrissa. And Roasted Garlic.

Memory Lane.

A Beautiful Evening. The Cool Breeze From The Ocean. The Pacific.


Berkane Gave Us Biaz. Mexico 86. The First African Nation To Reach The Second Round.

I am in In The Imperial Marrakesh Looking For Biaz. I go to the annex where the Kawkab trains ...
I see Biaz. He jogs around and then he leaves. ... He leaves early. The other players stayed on to do some skirmishes.

Scared Chewing Gum GIF

No Worries. Sunday In The Harti Stadium The Players Come Out And Biaz
is in the lineup as I was assured. I turn to my Little Brother. "Hicham. Take
A Look. Number 4. That's Biaz. He Is Playing"

Happy Toddlers And Tiaras GIF
Dernière édition:
Little Brother Hicham Told Me The Other Day.

"You Know After You Left, La Karima Called On Si Mohammed C. to take
me to the games on Sunday in the Harti Stadium and I would hang out with the players after the match in the annex.
And so I played a little soccer with some of the players. Hassan Rafahia would teach me how to be
a good goalkeeper."

Slow Motion Yes GIF by MOODMAN

The Good Old Days. The Kawkab Of Marrakesh Had A Great Team. Biaz. Kiddi. Chaouch. Rafahia, ....

Hassan Rafahia Came To Us From The Imperial Fes. A Great Goalkeeper. He played for the National Team.

After every good save, the fans would start singing with a mix of the Dakka El Marrakshia"
"Wal Hassan Rafahia"
"Wal Hassan Rafahia"
"Wal Hassan Rafahia"

Dance Dancing GIF by Real Housewives Of Cheshire

I have read that The Harki Ibnou Karghouli Khaled Nezzar said "if we wanted to, we could have stopped the Moroccans
from building the security walls. We had a plan in place but the orders from high above never came"

Typical Karghouli talking SHIT. I am telling you the Karghouli had many chances .... He is a Coward. And a Big Mouth.
The Sahara Has Been Secured And The Atlantic Is Back Where It Belongs.

oh yeah yes GIF by Rosanna Pansino

If you look closely at this video and then you move away from it, you basically see
one Harki harassing another Harki. The whole scene is taking place in
Frog Land ... The Harki doing the harassment has this hat saying "Ici C'est Paris."
The retired "General" is a harki who knows very well that he is in Paris. He worked hard
o that he can enjoy his retirement in Paris.

So what is the difference between the two Harkis? Nothing Really.
It is just that one Harki got paid and rewarded more than the other.

And are both of them any different than this Fartassa?

In My Humble Opinion:

Cbs No GIF by HULU

They are all Harkis. You should take the time to listen to this Fartassa and once you are done, you would
know who we are dealing with. You WOULD KNOW Maa Man Hacharana Lah.
Yes that last bit I borrowed it from My King Hassan II.
What about that thing sitting next to the Fartassa? Is that a man?
I couldn't tell. My eyes are letting me down .. I am an old man. I am serious.
Dernière édition:
"I Am Afraid The Strain Was Too Much To Bear."

Look at you? Are You Crying? "Playing For Blood Remember?"
It Is The Affair of The Century. It is Now What? Some Fifty Years.

1975. "On a pas d'hommes" Said Boukharouba Harki Ibnou Karghouli Number One.

Do you guys know what he did? He turned to Boutefrika "Prepare Tes Valises"

I strongly recommend reading the famous transcript of Boutefrika The Midget Begging Kissinger The American.
Memory Lane.

Raja Of Casablanca.

Little Saint John Was Camping In Tingis. Tanja.
He was playing soccer with some kids .... and Dolmy. The Maalem
showed up ... He wanted to play with us. And He Did.

Little Saint John's Soccer Ball.

Dream Come True Nbc GIF by America's Got Talent

In the evening we (the kids) would gather around his tent and watch him and his buddies play music
1. The United Arab Emirates Opened A Consulate In The Sahara
2. The United Arab Emirates Was Accepted Into The BRICS Along With The Powerful Al Saud.

Karghoulia Not Happy.

1. The United Arab Emirates Opened A Consulate In The Sahara
2. The United Arab Emirates Was Accepted Into The BRICS Along With The Powerful Al Saud.

Karghoulia Not Happy.
Man Up Karghouli.

Remember The Karghouli had a golden chance to come play with in the desert. 1975 and
1979. We invited him and he did not show. He Cowered.

Do you see Boukhnouna The Coward listening to that Karghoulia while she is insulting the United Arab Emirates?

It is Typical Karghouli Behavior. In 1975, they forced families ... Poor women, kids and old men were
dragged into Tindouf ....
They used different clever tactics to load them into trucks and if that
failed they would threaten them .... Anyways as you can see a lot of these people are now stuck.
These are simple people .... Poor people .... Weak ....

During the war, The Karaghila would take women and kids along with them ... They would then attack
and run away ... Leaving the women and kids under fire from our jets ... These women, kids
and old men were selected mostly from sub-saharian Africa. A few sahraouis from low castes to mix
it up a bit.

A Despicable Bunch I Tell You. I Have Been Analyzing Them For Decades.

Youtube Yes GIF by Rosanna Pansino

And Good God. Get Hold Of Yourself You Coward. Stop The Wining And The Crying.
Po. Po. Po. Haya Bina Ila Mundial. Haya Bina Ila Mundial.

Meet Ekambi. He Is From Cameroon. The Big Boys Of Africa.

Galleh Hadari.The Goal Was Scored Before He Could Finish Saying Hadari. :)

Laayouuuuune Eniiiiya. O Sakia El Hemra Lia. Ol Wad Wadi Ya Sidi. Ol Wad Wadiiii.

Sidi Refers To The King. The Alaouite. Hassan II.
This guy looks happy to have left Karghala. He is back into civilization with his kin ....

In the beginning of the war, a lot of sahraouis were pushed into those camps from hell. The harkis used many tactics ....
Those who were saved and protected by our army consider themselves LUCKY. And they have a lot of respect
for the army and for the monarchy .... There were two tasks that were given to our soldiers:
fight the harkis to death and save as many civilians as possible. The army even gave the sahraouis weapons
to defend themselves from the harkis ... Remember it is a big territory. As big as England ....

All In all. We Did WELL. And Now We Are Building On That.
Time Is On Our Side. And We Have Nothing But Time.
Patience. And We Have That.

patience GIF