Musique palestinienne

Palestine , you on my mind , Palestine !
Palestine , you on my mind , All the time !
Palestine , you on my mind , Palestine !
Palestine , you on my mind , All the time !

See my daddy was a refuge, to feed his family
In a war full of tragedy, walking though the sand full of casualties
Plant a seed for my family tree , in a breezy full of broken leaves
Was it pain or insanity? More like gain for the vanity

Be Last of a dying breed, can't die just notice me
Can't rest till I find the peace, of mind, honestly
In the belly of the beast we feed, in Allah we trust, we bleed
In the middle of the war we grieve, victory let me seem V

Wuthu, drop to your knees, No more will our babies scream
No more will my people grieve, harmony is what my eyes can see
Put my soul in the driver seat, put my heart in the prophecies
Bring home to their plots and schemes, tos'sem a dream till Allah speak

Come take a walk with me, if it's love talk with me
If it's love then walk these streets of tears, follow the water stream
Blood on my hands and knees, but still I face the east,
Victory let me see them V's victory let freedom ring

Palestine , you on my mind , Palestine !
Palestine , you on my mind , All the time !
Gone but I never forget where I come from
And Im Pali to the day I go back where I come from!
Palestine , you on my mind , All the time !

see this world is ghetto slum, in the midst of a quiet storm
Speaking of Jerusalem, broken souls how long we mourn
can't you see my heart is torn, can't you feel my heart is scarred
can't you hear my voice is hoarse, this is the war that I ride for

this is the land we cry for we die for no stage show
no encore but I bleed gold, see I show love but I need more
feel the wrath when then the blood pour, spread my wings when the horns blow
push repeat cause I said so, spread my wings when the horns blow

see I talk fast but I pray slow, took the land that we paid for
took the land that we prayed for through the sacrifice we gave more
cutt us off but we still on, all praise to Islam
all praise me for this song, times hard but we carry on

Grandfather, that man's gone , forefathers we stand strong
Speak for those who can't come, no more will we bite tongue
See my daddy was a refuge, to feed his family
In a war full of tragedy, walking though the sand full of casualties

Palestine , you on my mind , Palestine !
Palestine , you on my mind , All the time !
Gone but I never forget where I come from
And Im Pali to the day I go back where I come from!
Palestine , you on my mind , All the time

Ghosts of Deir Yassin
They pretend that it's forgotten
But somewhere small flowers grow
On the weathered stones of destroyed homes
Somewhere the light's still in the window
You see that we are rising our day is surely coming
No longer in the shadows
Of the ghosts of Deir Yassin
They change the names on the signs
But it's in our hearts these words are written
Of the children who don't know their homes
They will walk the streets from which they are forbidden
You see that we are rising our day is surely coming
No longer in the shadows
Of the ghosts of Deir Yassin


اللهم إفتح لنا أبواب الخير وأرزقنا من حيت لا نحتسب
Mawṭinī mawṭinī
Al-jalālu wa-l-jamālu wa-s-sanā'u wa-l-bahā'u
Fī rubāk fī rubāk
Wa-l-ḥayātu wa-n-najātu wal-hanā'u wa-r-rajā'u
Fī hawāk fī hawāk
Hal arāk hal arāk
Sālimān munaʿamān wa ġānimān mukarramān
Sālimān munaʿamān wa ġānimān mukarramān
Hal arāk fī ʿulāk
Tabluġu s-simāk tabluġu s-simāk
Mawṭinī mawṭinī
Mawṭinī mawṭinī
Aš-šabābu lan yakilla hammahu an yastaqilla aw yabīd, aw yabid
Nastaqī mina r-radá wa lan nakūna li-l-ʿidā' kālʿabīd, kālʿabīd
Lā nurīd lā nurīd
Ḏullanā al-mu'abbada wa ʿayšanā al-munakkada
Ḏullanā al-mu'abbada wa ʿayšanā al-munakkada
Lā nurīd bal nuʿīd
Majdanā t-talīd majdanā t-talīd
Mawṭinī mawṭinī
Mawṭinī mawṭinī
Al-ḥusāmu wa-l-yarāʿu lā l-kalām wa-n-nizāʿu
Ramzunā ramzunā
Majdunā wa ʿahdunā wa wājibun ilá l-wafā'
Yahuzzunā yahuzzunā
ʿIzzunā ʿizzunā
Ġāyâtun tušarrifu wa rāyâtun turafrifu
Ġāyâtun tušarrifu wa rāyâtun turafrifu
Yā hanāk fī ʿulāk
Qāhirān ʿidāk qāhirān ʿidāk
Mawṭinī mawṭinī


Non connecté
Ce n'est pas vraiment une chanson palestinienne, mais enfin, bon... c'est Roger Waters, pour la Palestine et c'est superbe ! :love:




I call on you
I clasp your hands
I kiss the ground under your feet
And I say: I offer my life for yours
I call on you
I give you the light of my eyes as a present
and the warmth of my heart
The tragedy I live
is but my share of your tragedies
I was not humiliated in my homeland
Nor was I diminished
I stood up to my oppressors
orphaned, nude, and barefoot
I carried my blood in my palm
I never lowered my flags
over my ancestor's graves
I guarded the green grass
over my ancestor's graves
As salâm'alaykum

On a fait une chanson sur la Palestine sur un forum. Y a eu un parasyte à la fin mais c pas grave.

Ya palestine Ya palestine Ya palestine !

Quand les balles volent
Sur ce sol qu'ils volent
On leurs coupe la parole
Et nos martyres s'envole

Les droits leur ont été enlevés
Des femmes et des enfants torturés
La liberté n’est plus d’actualité
Et le monde ne fait qu’ignorer

Ya palestine Ya palestine Ya palestine !

Allah jugera leurs actes
Après le mehdi, un nouvel acte
Tous ensemble pour un nouveau pacte
Pour celui ci nul besoin de tract

Ton coeur est le livre
l'amour est son encre,
La sagesse le sujet,
et la soumission la reliure.

Ya palestine Ya palestine Ya palestine !


En attendant, les larmes ne cessent de couler
Il ne leur reste plus qu'à prier
Pour qu'Allâh puisse les délivrer
Dans nos prières pour eux, soyons plus assidus
Pour que justice soit rendue

les mujahidine sors leurs épée
leur calife sur un cheval
Coupe la tete des tyrans
leurs sang coule par terre
la liberté revient a la Palestine !

Mais cette liberté a disparu
Des millions d'innocents crient dans les rues
Dans l'espoir d'être entendu
Par ce monde qui a perdu la vue.

Certes c'est à Allâh que nous appartenons
Et c'est à Lui que nous reviendrons

Dernière édition: