Why then are the muslims defeated?


Prends ton envol!
Those who are familiar with the Quran know that God promised the believers victory in this world and in the Hereafter. God also reminds us that victory comes only from God and not by turning our back to Him.

[Al-Imran 3:126] GOD thus informs you, in order to give you good news, and to assure your hearts. Victory comes only from GOD, the Almighty, Most Wise.


The Quran teaches, unequivocally, that victory is G U A R A N T E E D for the Muslims(MOMIN):
Sura - The Romans (Al-Room)30:47) "We have decreed that the believers(MOMIN) will be victorious."
Sura - Forgiver (Ghafer) (40:51)"We will positively grant victory to our messengers, and to those who believe(MOMIN), both in this life and on the day of resurrection."

In view of the guarantees shown in these Quranic verses, and since God is never wrong, the "Muslims" of today could not possibly be Muslims. They have broken their pledge to uphold God's commands in His sacred book, the Quran, and brought defeat and humiliation for themselves.

If God does not break a promise, then all these Muslim masses have to wake up to see what they have been doing wrong. Why they have got no victory for several centuries and there is no victory appearing in the near future. Why are they under continuous oppression, with no freedom, freedom to worship, freedom to choose their leaders, speak their minds or freely manage their properties.


For as long as the Muslim Ummah upheld Quran, and nothing but Quran, the Muslims led the world scientifically, technologically, culturally, socially, militarily, and economically. They never lost a single battle. The borders of Islam extended from West Africa to China; into Southern France and Eastern Germany.

With the appearance of Hadith & Sunna at the beginning of the third century AH, a progressive deterioration of the Muslim Ummah began. Since the appearance of these innovations as sources of guidance beside the Quran, the "Muslims" never won a single battle.

Why do 6 million Israelis consistently defeat over 150 million Arabs???
Does it make any sense that 4 million Israelis should force almost 2 billion "Muslims" to accept their unacceptable terms?
Why does India consistently defeat Pakistan?
Why are the Muslims in Afghanistan defeated in every corner of their own country?
Why are the Muslims around the world are the poorest, most oppressed, least advanced, least educated, most miserable.....etc...etc...etc.
WHY THEN ARE THE "MUSLIMS" DEFEATED? God already gave us the answer over 1400 years ago.

BECAUSE they refuse to believe God in His repeated statements that Quran is COMPLETE, PERFECT, FULLY DETAILED, and SHALL BE THE ONLY SOURCE OF RELIGIOUS GUIDANCE. Because they have accepted other sources, namely, Hadith and Sunna, beside Quran.

Sura - T.H. (Ta Ha) (20:124-127) "Whoever disregards My message (Quran) shall have a miserable life, then we will resurrect him, on the Day of Resurrection, blind. He will say, 'My Lord, why did You resurrect me blind, when I used to be a seer (in the first life)?' (God will say), 'This is because Ouran revelations came to you, but you forgot them, and consequently, today we forget you.' We thus punish those who exceed the limits and refuse to believe the verses of their Lord. And surely, the retribution in the Hereafter is far worse, and everlasting."

Witnessing what has been happening to the Muslims around the globe and with these verses in mind we can easily recognize the great disaster they brought to themselves by deserting God's book for the sake of man made fabrications that received no support from God or His prophet. They deserted God and therefore He has deserted them. God also told us that His messenger will complain to Him on the Last Day from these Muslims;

[al-Furqan 25:30] The messenger said, "My Lord, my people have deserted THIS Quran."

Many of these Muslims will claim that they still follow the Quran, but they do not follow the Quran ALONE, as God commanded in His book. They follow with it the laws derived from the books of Hadith and Sunna. This immediately contradicts the teachings of God in the Quran that clearly call for following NO OTHER LAW but the Quran.

[al-An`am 6:114] Shall I seek other than GOD as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book fully detailed? Those who received the scripture recognize that it has been revealed from your Lord, truthfully. You shall not harbor any doubt.

[al-Ma'idah 5:48] Then we revealed to you this scripture, truthfully, confirming previous scriptures, and superseding them. You shall rule among them in accordance with GOD's revelations, and do not follow their wishes if they differ from the truth that came to you…...

[al-Ma'idah 5:49] You shall rule among them in accordance with GOD's revelations to you. Do not follow their wishes, and beware lest they divert you from some of GOD's revelations to you. If they turn away, then know that GOD wills to punish them for some of their sins. Indeed, many people are wicked.

[al-Ma'idah 5:50] Is it the law of the days of ignorance that they seek to uphold? Whose law is better than GOD's for those who have attained certainty?

GOD Has warned His prophet 'not to be diverted' from the Quran...that he holds fast to the laws of GOD and seeks no other!.

Shahid Nomaanul Haq (Pakistani)


Evil Halouf
Cause God has nothing to do with this. Men achieve victory and suffers defeats. The Muslim world once greatly advanced missed the turn of the XVIe century and the scientific revolution that would propel men at the center of the picture and emphasizes the use of reason and rationality.

As they competed with each other for the continental supremacy, the Western european countries became more centralized and turned from a congregation of lordships to the current nation-state with professional armies, an administration and the ability to collect taxes. Relying on the Caliph's authority, the Muslim world did not go through such emulation and got frozen in time.

As Charles Tilly said: "War makes the state and the state makes war."


Life is full of beauty
li 9ilati imanina wa libo3dina 3an dinina ....

walakin saya2ti man yamla2o addonia 3adlan ba3da an moli2at dolma
Mm, if i remember correctly my studies, the Koran speaks of a peak (obviously past), a really dark times for muslims around the world (now i guess.. ?), then a last peak, and this last peak is supposed to be a sign of the end times.
Also, i think it's quite an unfair statement to all the Ummah to say that we deserted our faith and that's why we're punished, like i need to reread my books but i'm pretty sure what's happening to us (and by us, i mean we're living in the safe western world, we don't live under bombings ) is a test to our faith.
A teacher at the school in Peshawar said to his students before they get killed "now you can recite the qalimah", and they did, those kids were literally facing death and remembered god, that's not a wasted Ummah in my opinion, mashallah.

And god knows best.