Comment trouver des investisseurs providentiels pour les startups au maroc

Hello dear Moroccans , I am a 22 years old former student of CPGE , after I've been accepted to a Moroccan Engineering school , I dropped out in 2016.
I always wanted to start my own company and I don't remember if I never had any intention to be an Engineer .
I spent the last two years learning about how to start a business and in thinking about some start-up ideas that can work for the Arab world , and finally about 3 months ago , I
I came up with an online start-up idea , I've been thinking about it since then , and I believe it will work 100% in the Arab world .
Now I have the idea but I can't fund it , I really need to go and talk to some "Angel investors" here in Morocco to show them the idea's business/model plan , but have no idea from where to start or with whom to talk .
Any suggestions please .
Best regards
I am really excited about this idea , I hope my post can reach some generous people in this community to inform me with anything that can help (links , names , addresses , advices ... anything )
On dirait pas les faux mails qu’on reçoit :

« Hello je suis Isabelle et je t’ai choisi pour te raconter un secret !
Je suis millionnaire et j’ai envie de te donner 1 000 000$ Mais avant j’ai besoin que tu me donne ton rib et que tu me fasses un virement de 300 euros pour les frais de virement »


On dirait pas les faux mails qu’on reçoit :

« Hello je suis Isabelle et je t’ai choisi pour te raconter un secret !
Je suis millionnaire et j’ai envie de te donner 1 000 000$ Mais avant j’ai besoin que tu me donne ton rib et que tu me fasses un virement de 300 euros pour les frais de virement »


moi aussi j'ai déjà eu un message de ce genre par un homme...