Deux femmes à Tanger vendent des films adultes de leurs filles

Bladi Robot

Je suis un vrai robot!
Deux femmes, âgées de 38 et 40 ans, ont été arrêtées vendredi par la police judiciaire de Tanger pour leur présumée implication dans une affaire d'exploitation de leurs filles mineures.
Les deux femmes sont soupçonnées d'avoir utilisé leurs deux filles mineures pour réaliser des films pour adultes qu'elles ont vendus à des plateformes numériques étrangères sur Internet, indiquent des sources à Hespress.
À lire : Un homme arrêté pour pornographie à Marrakech
La perquisition menée au (...)

- Maroc / Arrestation, Sexualité, Enfant, Tanger

Deux femmes à Tanger vendent des films adultes de leurs filles
This is terrible ...

1980s: I remember one Xmas vacation, I was waking up early to go to work in Chicago. 4 a.m
It was Winter. It was Cold. Very cold... I was about 20 years old. 5-7 am there were very old black women (Grandmas)
ALL DRUNK in the steets. So many of them ...
. I was shocked. I turned to my friend a rich white boy from South Holland. "Hey
you won't see this in Morocco" ....

I am no longer surprised at anything ... I have seen all kind of ..... Here and in Morocco.
The interesting part is how I became friends with this very rich white boy ...
I told this story on bladinet. It is a nice story. A good lesson for many.

He basically came to me. "I hear you are good in Math. And I need help I will pay you. "

Saint John Oueld Karima. "I will help you. No problem. You don't need to pay me."

And that was that. We became friends .... His family took very good care of me. I was living large.

Season 10 Smh GIF by One Chicago
Same goes for my career. I never asked for a raise. NEVER.
I let my work speak for itself. Eventually the money comes
my way. That is just the way I am. I don't complain much.
I just do the f...g JOB. Better than most.

Sad Anthony Anderson GIF

Just the other day, My Little Aya, who is now Freshman at the university, came to me complaining
about one of her professors ... I explained her what it takes to be a Saint John.

So Are you a Saint John? I asked her.
"I am not sure." She tells me.

That 70S Show Lol GIF by Peacock
Dernière édition:
That is exactly how I feel when I think about it ...
I mean a year after I show up from Marrakesh and I become
friends with a VERY RICH WHITE BOY. I am talking BIG MONEY. American Style. Chicago Style.

That X mas I spent with them They had a big party. The governor was there ...
Oh and there was this family dinner in downtown Chicago ... My God. Royalty ....
I got lucky ....

That 70S Show Lol GIF by Peacock
Dernière édition:
That is exactly how I feel when I think about it ...
I mean a year after I show up from Marrakesh and I become
friends with a VERY RICH WHITE BOY. I am talking BIG MONEY. American Style. Chicago Style.

That X mas I spent with them They had a big party. The governor was there ...
Oh and there was this family dinner in downtown Chicago ... My God. Royalty ....
I got lucky ....

That 70S Show Lol GIF by Peacock
Dis, tu as oublié le dessin avec les tètes empalées.
Tu nous ferais un peu d'hypoglycémie toi?
Well it is a nice story. I like to share it. I could have charged him for the math lessons
but I didn't .. I always helped people in Math. I enjoyed it. The difference is that this
guy appreciated it. He was probably surprised that an African offered him help for no money.
At least at first. After that we just got along ...

My first Xmas before I met this rich white boy, I was invited by this other American family ...
It was bad ... They were struggling financially ... It was a weird situation ....
I was really uncomfortable .... The campus was closed ... It was very cold ....
Do you know how I got out of it? Well since I was one of the few students
who stayed in town, the college got in touch with me. The water pipes
froze .
.. Big mess. So they asked me if I wanted to work and help with the cleanup.

Hell Yes. That was my excuse to get away from that family.
Nice family. Too religious for my taste ... It was just awkward. Small house ...
So I ran to the campus ... They offered me Free food. Free Room. And I clocked
in a lot of hours. The money was good.

Neon Rated GIF by NEON

We Are Talking Winter In The Midwest.
Lots of snow .... Very cold ... And Long Xmas vacations to save energy ....

Yes GIF by Brittany Broski

So where were you the 1980s? Were you still in diapers?

Happy Shake It GIF by SuperVictor
Dernière édition:
So after spending a nice summer vacation in Agadir like I always do, I come back to the Imperial Marrakesh.
Now I am with the Big Boys "Lycee Abou Al Abbas Sebti". I transferred from College Lalla Meriem.

And this guy named Youssef El Hari comes to me as we lined up to go the the Math class.
"You are Saint John?"
Yes that's me.
"I heard about you. You want to do Sciences Mathematiques?"
Yes why?
"Well you see Saint John. I want to do Sciences Mathematiques. That guy over there wants to do Sciences Mathematiques. His name
Hussein T. ....... All these guys want to do Sciences Mathematiques ...."
I see. And?
"Not everyone will make it. In fact very few will make it. Maybe one or two. At most three.
We are not the only class. There are a bunch of other classses"

Scared Horror GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

For those who do not know Sciences Mathematiques means Math And Physics.
To be continued. I will tell you about Youssef El Hari. Some liked to call him Youssef
El Khari. They added a little dot. Just a tiny dot. And I will talk about El Mejjad . The Harki type. .....

Stay Tuned.

Miss It Game Show GIF by ABC Network
Dernière édition:
So I blew my first test in Math. I was not ready .... It turned out that the other guys knew the Math professor
and had friends/older brothers that already took a class with this professor ... A little bird told me. Sneaky Bastards.

But no matter. Halfway through the year I kicked some ass. There was this test. Oh My God.
You see now things have changed. WE (me included) all knew the exact book the professor used for selecting the problems.

And so there was this problem ... I could not solve it during the preparation. I tried ...
But during the test and under pressure I solved it. BANG. Well nobody else did.
And Saint John Is Back. The Math Professor was pleased!

PS: In Physics, I was untouched. I kicked some ass right, left and center.

Saint John Was Not To Be Denied.
After that, the Americans came to the Imperial Marrakesh and Saint John was selected.
The selected students from all high schools in Marrakesh:
  • Saint John. Jinane. Hussein. (Lycee Abou Al Abbas Sebti)
  • Abdeladim (Lycee Hassan II)
  • Larbi. (Lycee Mohammed V)
They paid for our school and board in The American School Of Tangiers and
after that in the United States Of America.

You know. Luck had nothing to do with it. Well not entirely. In this life you make Your Own LUCK.
So I had a great time in Tangiers after that I went to the USA.
After one splendid week in New York, I headed to Washington
to meet and shake hands with Ronald Reagan. In the white house. Not bad right?

They trained me how to shake hands with Reagan. Remember him?
A FIRM Handshake .....

Season 7 Nbc GIF by The Office

So I have a question. I know most of you here were still doing Caca in their Cullote.

But who here was actually not in diapers? The 80s ... Anyone?

That 70S Show Lol GIF by Peacock
So let's talk the little Harki El Mejjad ...

Well first he did not make to Sicence Mathematiques" He tried.
Mejddad and I prepared the exams together ... It was more like
me helping him .... So first the sneaky bastard about the Math
book all along. He used to bring the problems (Math problems)
and tell me "I got a good problem for you." ...

The Focker never told me about the secret Math book. Somebody else did.
And so I got the book. But this is not why I call this sneaky bastard The Little Harki.

I went my my way to the US and he went his to Frogland (Franssa) Hachakoum.
And one day I am in Marrakesh and he comes to our house. I was told
there is this guy called El Mejjad. He says he is your friend ...
Is he outside? No we have placed him in the Green Salooune. My Mom's favorite Saloune.

So I go down and meet El Mejjad. We had Moroccan tea .... I was shocked.

Oh My God Wow GIF by The Roku Channel

The Goddamn Harki never used one Arabic or Moroccan word.

You have to understand before he never used one word of French (Hachakoume). We always spoke Arabic. (Moroccan)
I was so disgusted. I stayed polite but after he left, I told them if he comes back don't let this Harki into the House Of La Karima.

Disgusted Go Away GIF by The Bachelor Australia
You know when I was in College Lalla Meriem, the girls did much better than the boys.
Except Saint John. Saint John used to take turns on the Number One Spot with Jinane and
Noufissa. ....

Here is Noufissa. We were very close. Our Mothers were friends .... God Bless Them Both.

So one Professor who used to watch us play soccer after class told the boys:
"Boys Stop Following Saint John. You are not him. He can juggle many balls
at the same time."

New Orleans Fun GIF by GreenWave

So I am happy that some people read my messages. I really am. I appreciate it. But
you may want listen to the Professor. It is up to you.

danger GIF

All I need is one person to read my work. And that's me. Saint John. But More than one is good too.
Just don't tell Noufissa what I am doing here ...

Thank U GIF by The Drew Barrymore Show
Dernière édition:
Youssef El Khari. Part One.

His real name is Youssef El Hari. But the guys added a dot and called him Youssef El Khari. Not me. The other guys ...
This Youssef El Khari used to spy on me. Before a test, he used to come to my house late at night to see if
I am still up and studying ... He knew where my bedroom was and so he would check for the lights ...

dark darkness GIF
Youssef El Khari. Part Two.

So the Americans and selected 5 students from The Imperial Marrakesh. El Hari and that's his real name
was not selected. Saint John. Hussein. Jinane were selected from Lycee Abou Al Abbas Sebti.
Those days Abou Al Abbas Sebti had a very strong Math And Physics department.
Anyways Saint John, Hussein, Jinane packed their bags and on to Tanja, After that The USA.

El Hari was jealous and once he got his bacallaureat in Math and Physics,
I am told he FORCED his father to send him to the United States ...
We did meet in New York. El Hari was driving a yellow cab.

New York Nyc GIF

So one day a bunch us were having dinner in the Casablanca restaurant in the Village. Manhattan.
And the server, a Moroccan of course, came to us .... And El Hari introduced himself. "Salam I am Youssef El Hari."
The server looks at him and said "El Khari?"

Emilia Clarke Laughing GIF

He Does Not Like That. No. He Doesn't.
This is Me when I heard "El Khari"

Scared Hide GIF by Get Out Movie
Youssef El Khari. Part Three.

New York. New York.

So King Hassan sent this nice family to take care of the prince. King Hassan's nephew. A family of four.
Al Hajja a cook in the Palace. Her husband a Gendarme in the Palace and their
kids a daughter and a son. Karim.

So We Introduced Karim to El Hari .... The prince died ... He got sick ... He was young. Very unfortunate.
And now Al Hajja had to pack up and leave .... Karim stayed behind.

And so Karim came and told us:
"You know guys. I had a bunch of things (stuff that belonged to the prince)
that I wanted to give you ... But El Hari came and took it all"

YUP. That's El Khari.

Bathroom Ocupado GIF
Youssef El Khari. Part Three.

New York. New York.

So King Hassan sent this nice family to take care of the prince. King Hassan's nephew. A family of four.
Al Hajja a cook in the Palace. Her husband a Gendarme in the Palace and their
kids a daughter and a son. Karim.

So We Introduced Karim to El Hari .... The prince died ... He got sick ... He was young. Very unfortunate.
And now Al Hajja had to pack up and leave .... Karim stayed behind.

And so Karim came and told us:
"You know guys. I had a bunch of things (stuff that belonged to the prince)
that I wanted to give you ... But El Hari came and took it all"

YUP. That's El Khari.

Bathroom Ocupado GIF
Coucou...tu t'es trompé de thread non?
Deux femmes, âgées de 38 et 40 ans, ont été arrêtées vendredi par la police judiciaire de Tanger pour leur présumée implication dans une affaire d'exploitation de leurs filles mineures.
Les deux femmes sont soupçonnées d'avoir utilisé leurs deux filles mineures pour réaliser des films pour adultes qu'elles ont vendus à des plateformes numériques étrangères sur Internet, indiquent des sources à Hespress.
À lire : Un homme arrêté pour pornographie à Marrakech
La perquisition menée au (...)

- Maroc / Arrestation, Sexualité, Enfant, Tanger

Deux femmes à Tanger vendent des films adultes de leurs filles
Evidement cet horrible fait divers ultra minoritaire n'a pas uniquement pour responsable les mères, car aucune mère au monde ne veut de ce cauchemar pour ses filles.
Si elles sont arrivés à ce drame absolu c'est que la misère est énorme et la il faut avoir le courage de dénoncer les régimes corrompus au Maroc, en Algérie, Tunisie comme ailleurs qui ont plongé leurs population dans une pauvreté aussi insupportable que les gens sont obligés de quitter le pays parfois dans des conditions atroces ou vendre leurs enfants, car la vie est tellement insupportable à cause de la corruption des larbins des colons que des pauvres victimes de ces régimes abominables finissent par toucher au pire.
Mommy. Mommy. Just like you suspected.They Came. They Are All Here.

Who came? The Frogs?


No Mommy. The Ignorant Monkeys. They don't look too scary.


Youssef El Khari. Part Four. Coming Soon.

Emilia Clarke Laughing GIF
Dernière édition:
Youssef El Khari. Part Four Is Here.

When I met Youssef El Hari in New York, he had a new Mom and Dad.
An old couple from New Jersey . He called them Mom and Dad.


YUP That's Youssef El Khari. The yellow cab driver.

new york nyc GIF