La terre est plate

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la terre est plate
D'après the fédéral aviation administrative publié en octobre 2012
Les équations de mouvement des avions sont calculés en supposant que la terre est plate

C'est ce qu'on apprend pour devenir pilote d'avion

‘The observant reader will notice that the aircraft equations of motion were calculated
assuming a flat Earth and that we here assume the development frame was the North-
East-Down frame. This implies necessarily that earth rotation and the variation of the
gravity vector with position over the earth were ignored in developing the aircraft
equations of motion. This simplification limits our mathematical model to the flight of
aircraft only. The model will not properly handle the flight of sub-orbital craft and
spacecraft such as intercontinental ballistic missiles, satellites, or the space shuttle. The
model is adequate for all vehicles travelingunder Mach 3.’
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