Musique palestinienne


اللهم إفتح لنا أبواب الخير وأرزقنا من حيت لا نحتسب
En 2010, je suis allée chanter à Ramallah, en Cisjordanie occupée. J’ai vu dans quelles conditions les Palestiniens vivent, confinés sur ce bout de terre… J’ai vu l’armée d’occupation israélienne dans les rues de Jérusalem-Est et ailleurs. J’ai vu les colonies squattant avec arrogance le sommet de collines volées aux Palestiniens. Et partout où je posais mon regard, j’ai vu le mur de l’apartheid, le mur de la honte… J’ai promis aux gens que j’ai rencontrés là-bas de témoigner de ce que j’avais vu et ressenti, une fois de retour en France.

Et puis, quatre ans plus tard, en juillet 2014, il y a eu Gaza : une nouvelle fois, la barbarie contre toute une population, 2.251 morts, 11.251 blessés, mutilés, amputés, 551 enfants dont la vie a volé en éclats dans le fracas des bombes. Parmi eux, les quatre petits de la famille Bakr – 10 ans, 10 ans, 9 ans et 6 ans -, volontairement ciblés sur la plage par un missile israélien. La destruction, les ruines, le désespoir, et pourtant, toujours, la dignité et la résistance d’une population sous blocus depuis neuf ans…

Cette chanson est mon témoignage et un hommage aux martyrs de Gaza.

Dominique GRANGE



Date limite de consommation : 26/01/2033
Étonné qu'on ait pas posté une seule musique des plus grands ambassadeurs de la musique palestinienne. Donc pour rattraper, je partage un concert complet.



اللهم إفتح لنا أبواب الخير وأرزقنا من حيت لا نحتسب
I wrote this poem when we where doing a direct action at my university.
There where palestinian citizens and israeli soldiers.
I'm Very petty about these things so i said: - 'I will only be a palestinian. I refuse to be a settler or a soldier!'
So I was lying on the ground and this guy came and kicked me in the guts and said: - 'You desirve to be raped before you have your terrorist children!'
At the time I said nothing, but then I wrote this poem for this young gentleman.

(Speaks in arab)

Allow me to speak my arab tongue before they occupy my language as well
Allow me to speak my mother tongue before they colonize her memory as well

I am an arab woman of color and we come in all shades of anger

All my grandfather ever wanted to do was wake up at dawn and watch my grandmother kneel and pray in a village hidden between Yaffah and Haiffa
My mother was born under an olive tree on a soil they say is no longer mine
But I will cross their barriers, their checkpoints, their damn apartheid walls and return to my home land

I am an arab woman of color and we come in all shades of anger

And did you hear my sister screaming yesterday, as she gave birth at a checkpoint with israeli soldiers looking between her legs for their next demographic threat? Called her baby girl Janeen
And did you her Amna Muna screaming behind her prison bars as they tear-gassed her cell?
We are returning to Falasteen

I am an arab woman of color and we come in all shades of anger

But you tell me this womb inside of me will only bring you your next terrorist

Beard wearing, gun waving, towel head, sand niger
You tell me I send my children out to die
But those are your 'copters, your F16s in our skys
And lets talk about this terrorism business, for a second
Wasn't it the CIA that killed
And who trained Osama in the first place?
My grandparents didn't run around like clowns with white capes and white hoods on their heads lynching black people

I am an arab woman of color and we come in all shades of anger

So who's that brown woman screaming in a demonstration?
Sorry. Should I not scream?
I forgot to be your every orientalist dream, genie in a bottle, belly dancer, harem girl, soft spoken arab woman
- 'Yes master. No master. Thank you for the peanut butter sandwiches raining down on us from your F16s master.'
Yes my liberators are here to kill my children and call them collateral damage

I am an arab woman of color and we come in all shades of anger

So let me just tell you, this womb inside of me will only bring you your next rebel
She'll have a rock in one hand and a palestinian flag in the other

I am an arab woman of color
Beware, beware, my anger
