The Moroccan Judge—Sofia

Attention: Sofia is mainly a fictional character who is playing the role of the judge for entertainment, English learning, and thought provocative purposes only.

Case#1: Ayman Education

Kadidja and Karim have been marred since 2016 God bless them with only one child. Kaddja, the wife, does not agree with her husband about the education of their only child Ayman. She strongly wants her child to pursue his education in Arabic and English only. No French at all. On the other hand, Karim, the husband, is thinking something else. His child must go to French school and has a French education.

Every morning on breakfast table Kadidja and Karim are having argument about the education of their only child. They decided to present their child education matter in Sofia's courtroom.

Kadidja arguments

Madam Adjudicator. I am the mother of the only child God gave me and I am not happy. My husband who is sitting near me thinks that our child Ayman must go to French school but I don't.

First, French educational system will not help in opening new job opportunities for my child. Businesses like banks, computer related, technology related, travel related, customer service related and many more are not operating in French language.

Second, English language is the most spoken language in the world. If my child travels to Russia, he will be able to communicate effectively in their. If my child wants to do business in China, it will be easy for him to understand Chinese business owners. If my child wants to do a medical research study, it will be easy for him to find books and articles that help him accomplishing his research assignment and publishing better medical science articles.

Finally, Madam Adjudicator, French language is for the elite people but we are the common ordinary people and we don't want to be elite anyway. Values like this are important for our child to have.

Karim arguments

Madam Adjudicator, bonjour, I am the father of my son and the husband of my dear wife and I don't understand. My wife and I argue all the time about our child education but we should not.

French language is art. Who can refuse studying arts. Nobody! Our child can use French language in Museums in Paris. He can also use it in many government buildings in Morocco. In addition, my child can be part of the elite class any time he wanted which is fun and cool I personally believe.

Another piece of information here, if my child speaks fluently French, it will be easy for him to get travel VISA to France. It will also be easy for him to study in France and work their. If he can't find a job in France, it will be easy for him find a job in Morocco for sure!

Finally, many businesses like banks and computer related are of need of French speakers. If my child chooses to work in these businesses, it will be easy for him to do so. No English is required.

The Moroccan Judge--Sofia
It is time to render the decision.

I am judge Sofia and I was given the honor to study, hear, and make a decision about Case#1: Ayman Education.
Mr. Karin who is the father of Ayman and the husband of Kadidja did mention that French language is:
language of elite
will help his child to get travel visa to France
will help his child getting a job in France or Morocco
some businesses like banks, computer related does not require English
Therefore, in his opinion his child must go to French school

On the other hand,

Kadidja who is the mother of Ayman and the wife of Karim believe that her child must have English schooling

More job opportunities are for English speakers
English is required for businesses like:
computer related,
technology related,
travel related,
customer service related
English language is the most spoken language in the world
it will make it easy for her child to success in his life
family values are important

The decision:

The judge finds that Kadidja had more convincing arguments than her husband Karim. Thus, the judge decided for the child Ayman to have an English education for better future.
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