Tiger Woods, la sale histoire !


Evil Halouf
Si un sportif professionnel ne peut plus tromper sa femme, ou va le monde je vous jure !!!! :rolleyes:

Christiano Ronaldo se tape toutes les call girls (et boys) de Madrid et il est adulé en à Madrid.....:eek:
je vois pas le probleme si une femme ne lui suffit pas et qu'il a envie de s'eclaté a coter sa arrive souvent....
apres il est celebre et mtnt il en a honte mais mon cher il faut assumer :D
vous en pensez quoi ?????? :eeek:

c'est a peine croyable quand on regarde son visage de bebe

il l'a trompé avec combien de femmes, au juste ?
une, dix ?
a t il vraiment trompé sa femme ou juste il a dialé ?


je savais pas que les noirs avaient le droit de jouer au golf outre atlantique , il aurait pas eu ces problemes si il avait fait du rap comme tous ses cousins

euh...il est pas tt a fait noir:

Woods was born in Cypress, California, to Earl (1932-2006) and Kultida (Tida) Woods (born 1944). He is the only child of their marriage but has two half-brothers, Earl Jr. (born 1955) and Kevin (born 1957), and one half-sister, Royce (born 1958) from the 18-year marriage of Earl Woods and his first wife, Barbara Woods Gray. Earl, a retired United States Army lieutenant colonel and Vietnam War veteran, was of mixed African American, Chinese and Native American ancestry. Kultida (née Punsawad), originally from Thailand, is of mixed Thai, Chinese, and Dutch ancestry. This makes Woods himself half Asian (one-quarter Chinese and one-quarter Thai), one-quarter African American, one-eighth Native American, and one-eighth Dutch.[16] He refers to his ethnic make-up as “Cablinasian” (a syllabic abbreviation he coined from Caucasian, Black, (American) Indian, and Asian).[17]

7chouma, tu peux pas etre tiger woods et ne pas etre harcelé de femmes.

il suffit que dans le ménage il y a eu un vide, voire des disputes, pour qu'il craque...apres, il lui suffit a elle de lui foutre la honte pour tout justifier...

elle ressemble à quoi be3da, 8ade la suedoise ? who is she ? :rolleyez:

oui apparement il y a eu dix *****
c'est a peine croyable quand on regarde son visage de bebe


euh...il est pas tt a fait noir:

Woods was born in Cypress, California, to Earl (1932-2006) and Kultida (Tida) Woods (born 1944). He is the only child of their marriage but has two half-brothers, Earl Jr. (born 1955) and Kevin (born 1957), and one half-sister, Royce (born 1958) from the 18-year marriage of Earl Woods and his first wife, Barbara Woods Gray. Earl, a retired United States Army lieutenant colonel and Vietnam War veteran, was of mixed African American, Chinese and Native American ancestry. Kultida (née Punsawad), originally from Thailand, is of mixed Thai, Chinese, and Dutch ancestry. This makes Woods himself half Asian (one-quarter Chinese and one-quarter Thai), one-quarter African American, one-eighth Native American, and one-eighth Dutch.[16] He refers to his ethnic make-up as “Cablinasian” (a syllabic abbreviation he coined from Caucasian, Black, (American) Indian, and Asian).[17]

oui apparement il y a eu dix *****

10 d'un coup, ou éparpillées dans le temps ??
parce que c'est pas pareil ! :D
Tiger est la mascotte du Golf.
Il représente trop d'argent, donc ils vont vite le faire remonter en selle pour continuer à faire de l'argent grâce aux côtes d'écoute.

Un tournoi sans Tiger, ça doît pas avoir beaucoup de succès, n'est-ce pas?