traduction d'anglais en français


Let's go to Florida..
ok well, i will write the whole sentence so that you could understand what i'm talking about:

Tax and social programs often discourage women from working. So does the comparative scarcity of flex time and day care.


Non connecté
ok well, i will write the whole sentence so that you could understand what i'm talking about:

Tax and social programs often discourage women from working. So does the comparative scarcity of flex time and day care.

Tou must go to the kitchen, its not time to speak of scarcity. ofen them ébawan?


Non connecté
je veux juste la traduction de la deuxième phrase sempro.. arrête de philosopher c'est pas le moment ; )

J' y connais pas grand chose a l' anglais. Mais je suis sur qu' il y a de bon anglophones sur bladi, mais surement pas a cette heure ci.


ok well, i will write the whole sentence so that you could understand what i'm talking about:

Tax and social programs often discourage women from working. So does the comparative scarcity of flex time and day care

Des programmes fiscaux et sociaux découragent souvent des femmes du travail. Donc la pénurie comparative de fléchit le temps et la garderie

merci Google.