I'm feeling down, any remedies?

Salam guys and gals,
I'm feeling so down and I dunno what to do to feel better (YEAH, I GOT THE BLUES). What do u normally do when you're upset?

Intense work out helps me a lot.. watching something funny and talking to close people... anything that would make the body release more Endorphins would help too... but the best is reading or listening to some Quran !
There are many things I do when I'm a bit depressed

- talk on the phone with my mother or my sister
- go out for a drink or a meal with my friends
- think about all the good points in my life and keep thinking that if I'm down now it's not going to be eternal and that I will be better very soon
-maybe do some shopping can be useful too :D

What you should NOT do:
- stay at home all day and eat like an elephant, it would only make you feel worse
- listen to sad songs


I hope You feel better by now,but,the main point is to not let “joy-suckers” get to you. I Hve learned how to put(in most cases) an invisible bubble around me, I take it everywhere I go. This bubble acts as a protector so when negative people talk to me, I hear them but their negativity bounces away from me. I like to surround myself with people who are enthusiastic, joy-filled, energetic, and have a mission or purpose to their day and life. This is not that I go around with unrealistic expectations But I do choose(do my best):langue: who I keep company with which feeds my soul, lifts my spirits when I’m down or really challenged and helps me grow as a person.

Best of luck!