Elections us - affaire des e-mails refait surface


L'affaire des e-mails de Hillary Clinton refait surface et le FBI a reprit l'enquete... contre les pressions du ministere de la Justice. Les Democrates sont furieux, car les sondages pour Hillary ont accuse une chute, faible mais significative.

Est-ce que cette affaire pourrait encore changer le resultat des elections? Qu'en pensez vous?

@cuty-pie, @Southpaw, @DiamondBlaze
Dernière édition:


L'affaire des e-mails de Hillary Clinton refait surface et le FBI a reprit l'enquete... contre les pressions du ministere de la Justice. Les Democrates sont furieux, car les sondages pour Hillary ont accuse une chute, faible mais significative.

Est-ce que cette affaire pourrait encore changer le resultat des elections? Qu'en pensez vous?

@cuty-pie, @Southpaw, @DiamondBlaze
Ce qu on ( comey) a fait might be illegal
"The Hatch Act prohibits FBI officials from using their official authority to influence an election. Reid said that by releasing this information, which he says is not conclusive or pertinent, Comey may have broken the law. Reid referenced a memo from Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates from March of this year that establishes all Justice Department employees, including Comey, are subject to the Hatch Act."

C est sur que c est mauvais coup pour Hillary.
We are just gonna have to wait and see!!!one more week!!!


C'est bien ce que je pensais (Hatch Act). Je suis loin d'etre un fan de Hillary, mais la, peu de jours avant l'election, ca me semble egalement tres "bizarre" comme comportement de la part de Comey. Surtout qu'il ne perd rien en attendant... la justice n'est pas connue pour sa hate.


C'est bien ce que je pensais (Hatch Act). Je suis loin d'etre un fan de Hillary, mais la, peu de jours avant l'election, ca me semble egalement tres "bizarre" comme comportement de la part de Comey. Surtout qu'il ne perd rien en attendant... la justice n'est pas connue pour sa hate.
Je connais encore personne qui a change d avis sur elle a cause de ces stupids emails ....ce que Je pense vraiment qu elle etait naive Peut etre ignorante a utiliser son propre server pour le travail.mais il y a des moutons rrih lli ja tayddihoum.


J'ai pas non plus change d'avis a cause de ca. En fait, ma decision est prise et finale...

Tu votes au Nevada ou en Californie? Car Nevada, c'est serre... 45/45 d'apres NBC/WSJ/Marist il y a encore 10 jours. Au Colorado, Hillary a encore une petite marge 42/39 d'apres CBS News/YouGov il y a 2-4 jours (je ne m'imaginais pas que ca allait la aussi se corser autant que ca; j'etais sur que Hillary avait une marge confortable, car la, Bernie etait tres tres populaire...).


Rebel without a Cause
The FBI has to make up its freaking mind with one week left to the election.
Now the sex toy Weiner husband of Huma Abedin is in the equation.
They re-opened the e-mails case which means that even if she wins the election she might end up in prison and we end up with her VP as President.
Hillary got problems of her own , now her Secretary Huma Abedin is putting gasoline on fire with one week left to election.


J'ai pas non plus change d'avis a cause de ca. En fait, ma decision est prise et finale...

Tu votes au Nevada ou en Californie? Car Nevada, c'est serre... 45/45 d'apres NBC/WSJ/Marist il y a encore 10 jours. Au Colorado, Hillary a encore une petite marge 42/39 d'apres CBS News/YouGov il y a 2-4 jours (je ne m'imaginais pas que ca allait la aussi se corser autant que ca; j'etais sur que Hillary avait une marge confortable, car la, Bernie etait tres tres populaire...).
J ai deja vote au Nevada.
I hate to say it but I think trump is gonna win:-(


Hacked emails: Clinton pushed for charity meeting in Morocco

By STEPHEN BRAUN and MICHAEL BIESECKER Associated Press Oct 21, 2016

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hacked emails reveal internal disagreement among top aides to Hillary Clinton about her determination to hold a Clinton Foundation summit in Morocco that later drew attention over its reliance on large financial pledges from foreign governments.

Clinton aide Huma Abedin bluntly wrote in the January 2015 email that "if HRC was not part of it, meeting was a non-starter" and then warned: "She created this mess and she knows it."

It was an uncharacteristic remark from a confidante known for her abiding loyalty to Clinton over the years.

The hacked email was among more than 4,000 messages posted Thursday on the website of the WikiLeaks organization. The emails were stolen from the accounts of John Podesta, Clinton's campaign chairman.

In Wednesday's final presidential debate, Donald Trump said he doubted the conclusion by U.S. intelligence officials that the Russian government is behind a string of recent targeted cyberattacks and subsequent leaks to influence the election. Clinton sharply criticized the Republican nominee for using the stolen emails to attack her, as well as a past statement encouraging hackers to leak more.

Podesta has warned that some emails may have been edited or altered by the hackers prior to release, though the Clinton campaign has yet to publicly identify an instance of that happening.

(... la suite ...)


In her email, Abedin told Podesta and current Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook that the lavish May 2015 meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative was based on a $12 million pledge from Moroccan King Mohammed VI to host the event.

"The King has personally committed approx. $12 million both for the endowment and to support the meeting," Abedin wrote.

Clinton Foundation records do not show any direct pledge of funding from the king or government of Morocco to the charity. Commitments to the charity's CGI program are agreements only to aid the program's international projects, not to directly fund the Clinton Foundation itself.

Clinton was no longer serving as secretary of State at the time of the meeting in Marrakesh. Sponsor donations have sometimes been used to defray the costs of meetings for CGI, the foundation's program of worldwide charity and development projects.

Politico has reported that the meeting was partly supported by a pledge of at least $1 million from OCP, a Moroccan phosphate export firm whose directors at the time included several top Moroccan government ministers, including the heads of the nation's foreign affairs and interior ministries.

(... la suite ...)


Among the other listed attendees were several corporate figures who had met with Clinton when she was secretary of state or were long-time political fundraisers.

They included entertainment magnate Haim Saban and his psychologist wife, Cheryl, who are bundlers for Clinton's presidential campaign and met with her several times during her State Department tenure. Other philanthropic attendees included political backers Jay Snyder and Steven Wozencraft.

The internal email exchange between Abedin, Mook and Podesta reveals that there was internal disagreement ahead of time over Clinton's push for the Moroccan meeting.

"Came up on our call with HRC. John flagged the same issues we discussed, Huma. HRC says she's still considering," Mook wrote.

The Clinton campaign was not immediately available to comment on the newly released WikiLeaks email.

In her message, Abedin said that Clinton's personal appearance at the planned meeting was a key element in the Moroccan decision to host the event.

(... la suite ...)


"The condition upon which the Moroccans agreed to host the meeting was her participation," Abedin wrote. She added that "CGI also wasn't pushing for a meeting in Morocco and it wasn't their first choice."

But days after OCP's role in the Marrakesh meeting was publicized, Clinton decided not to attend. Her decision came despite a November 2014 email in which Abedin insisted "no matter what happens, she will be in Morocco hosting CGI on May 5-7, 2015. Her presence was a condition for the Moroccans to proceed so there is no going back on this."

A week after the donation from OCP was revealed in April, the Clinton Foundation announced it was tightening its policy on donations from foreign governments, agreeing to allow financial gifts only from six nations that had previously supported the foundation's health, poverty and climate change programs. Those nations were Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom.

In August, former President Bill Clinton said that if his wife is elected, the family's foundation would no longer accept any donations from foreign governments or corporations, or from U.S. companies.



L'affaire des e-mails de Hillary Clinton refait surface et le FBI a reprit l'enquete... contre les pressions du ministere de la Justice. Les Democrates sont furieux, car les sondages pour Hillary ont accuse une chute, faible mais significative.

Est-ce que cette affaire pourrait encore changer le resultat des elections? Qu'en pensez vous?

@cuty-pie, @Southpaw, @DiamondBlaze
Salam farid,
Si Trump gagne(allah y 7fed) ça se passe comment au niveau de ces affaires ? Estcequ'il a le droit de concilier affaire et politique? Ou est ce qu'il devra vendre.


Salam farid,
Si Trump gagne(allah y 7fed) ça se passe comment au niveau de ces affaires ? Estcequ'il a le droit de concilier affaire et politique? Ou est ce qu'il devra vendre.
Il ne devra pas vendre, mais il y aura conflit d'interets. Ceci dit, dans sa branche, et les domaines ou il investit, il n'a quasiment pas de d'intersections avec les prerogatives de l'administration federale. Il y a tout au plus l'IRS (les impots), mais eux sont tellement independents, que chaque interference, aussi minime que possible du President, va lui causer un impeachment immediat.. surtout qu'il ne s'est pas fait que des amis, meme dans le camp des Republicains. Je ne vois donc pas trop de problemes a ce niveau la. Je fais confiance au systeme des checks and balances.


Il ne devra pas vendre, mais il y aura conflit d'interets. Ceci dit, dans sa branche, et les domaines ou il investit, il n'a quasiment pas de d'intersections avec les prerogatives de l'administration federale. Il y a tout au plus l'IRS (les impots), mais eux sont tellement independents, que chaque interference, aussi minime que possible du President, va lui causer un impeachment immediat.. surtout qu'il ne s'est pas fait que des amis, meme dans le camp des Republicains. Je ne vois donc pas trop de problemes a ce niveau la. Je fais confiance au systeme des checks and balances.
Ça me dépasse ! Simple tu veux faire de la politique, faut se retirer du monde des affaires.

Et dans le cas ou il est élu (allah i 7fedna bis) est ce qu'il peut renoncer à être président ?


Ça me dépasse ! Simple tu veux faire de la politique, faut se retirer du monde des affaires.

Et dans le cas ou il est élu (allah i 7fedna bis) est ce qu'il peut renoncer à être président ?
Bien sur qu'il peut renoncer a etre president. Il suffit qu'il ne prete pas serment, par exemple. Dans ce cas la, son candidat vice-president le remplacera immediatement.


J'ai pas non plus change d'avis a cause de ca. En fait, ma decision est prise et finale...

Tu votes au Nevada ou en Californie? Car Nevada, c'est serre... 45/45 d'apres NBC/WSJ/Marist il y a encore 10 jours. Au Colorado, Hillary a encore une petite marge 42/39 d'apres CBS News/YouGov il y a 2-4 jours (je ne m'imaginais pas que ca allait la aussi se corser autant que ca; j'etais sur que Hillary avait une marge confortable, car la, Bernie etait tres tres populaire...).
Sauf queBernie on ne l'entends plus du moins dans les medias français