I learned a new word today. what about you ? share it !

  • Initiateur de la discussion AncienMembre
  • Date de début


Magnetic lights in the blue-high haze
Today during a conversation with colleagues, I wanted to use the word “crisis” but plural.

I ended up confused like : Crisises ? 🤭

So my colleague just laughed and told me it sounds about the same but just spelled Crises when plural 😅

Crisis (sss) : une crise
Crises (zzz) : des crises


🌻Lo mejor siempre espera adelante🌻
Today during a conversation with colleagues, I wanted to use the word “crisis” but plural.

I ended up confused like : Crisises ? 🤭

So my colleague just laughed and told me it sounds about the same but just spelled Crises when plural 😅

Crisis (sss) : une crise
Crises (zzz) : des crises
It's like : thesis >> theses
basis >> bases