L'anglais pour les nuls


Looking to what you wrote! Your English my friend is not too bad, believe me, it’s awesome! :lo ve:
Speaking English fluently (With little accent), it’s may be a big challenge for everyone living in France or Morocco, And it’s correct!
British or Irish accents are completely different than American one!!!! And it’s normal. So don’t be worry!
Did you hear Indian people speaking English? lollllll

My last suggestion (part of solutions that i put above):
Did you try the third solution? ……British or Irish or Scottish boyfriend? :D

P.S: Allah yaatik essaha w safi ! Galtlik elle ne parle anglais ! lollllll

To be honest with you, I know that my English is not perfect but I don’t care lollllll

that's my problem! I do care about my english! I don't like to be wrong! so that's why I'm blocked!

I don't have a french accent when I spoke! Thanks God!!! loool it's like I was a native speaker! but! I want to speak english as I speak french! so it's no easy! :(
Moroccan Eglish ! :D

1.Moroccan may say: I am liking it very much.
Instead of saying: I like it very much.

2.They might say: She performs many charities.
Instead of: She gives away a lot to charity.

3.They might say: My all closets are empty.
Instead of: My closets are all empty.

4.A question: 'Didn't you take Fatima to school?'
May be answered with: Yes, I didn't. lolllll Instead of: No, I didn't.

5.They might say: Let's go out for some ice-cream-vice-cream.
They mean: Let us go out for some ice-cream.

6.They might say: What is your good name? (smitake lahkikia lolllll)
Instead of: What is your name?

7. Brahim's Mother, who is from Doukala used to say such things as:
They did it, no? / He is here, isn't it?/ She closed the door, did she?
Instead of: They did it, didn't they? / He is here, isn't he?/ She closed the door, didn't she?
........ :D
I'm doing all this! watching movie in english! TV programme on BBC! listening to the music!! but I can't really speak fluently english!

Even if I understand nearly everything! when I have to speak or write! I'm blocked


it's was the same with german and spannish! now I forget everything
Your english is quite good
Fluent english comes with time
even spoken english is little bit different from written one
like before they said " NO worry" when you say "thank you"
nowadays they say "No worries"
or for instance they say " Hi there " which has no sense for me, it's like saying " Hi here or there ", whatever
Personally I speak english during the whole day, because I have no choice and French over here has no value I swear a God
I remember last time when I went back home for my vacation in casablanca, there was a Moroccan-French girl at the Airport asking me in French if I have a pen because she wanted to fill out that white form for customs purpose, and she didn't say not even one single word in DARIJA like SHOKRAN or 3AFAK, nothing,100% French, so I was pissed off and I was answering her in english, the girl she was like a frozen statue and she didn't know what to say.
I'm living in north America and I never forget my roots
yeah I almost forget, don't give a damn thing about making mistakes, or being shy to say what's in your mind because you're affraid that they're gonna notice your english is weak or this or that, don't care about that, just talk and talk and talk, that's the main key and the only way to improve you english
I'm still learing too
Probably I made some mistakes above, but I don't care
thumbs up


Non connecté

lol tu parle..je suis a coter de la plaque^^...mais ça fait si longtemps que j'ai pas fait d'anglais^^

j'avais penser d'en faire...inchALLAH.

avec les formations actiris, ça commence au niveau zéro!
et crois moi, tu apprends super bien (surtout avec les cours intensif)

My last suggestion (part of solutions that i put above):
Did you try the third solution? British or Irish or Scottish boyfriend? :D

P.S: Allah yaatik essaha w safi ! Galtlik elle ne parle anglais ! lollllll

To be honest with you, I know that my English is not perfect but I don’t care lollllll

or american... australian... lkheir mojed tbarkallah :D
you gave the best tip on this thread to improve our english level :cool:
Your english is quite good
Fluent english comes with time
even spoken english is little bit different from written one
like before they said " NO worry" when you say "thank you"
nowadays they say "No worries"
or for instance they say " Hi there " which has no sense for me, it's like saying " Hi here or there ", whatever
Personally I speak english during the whole day, because I have no choice and French over here has no value I swear a God
I remember last time when I went back home for my vacation in casablanca, there was a Moroccan-French girl at the Airport asking me in French if I have a pen because she wanted to fill out that white form for customs purpose, and she didn't say not even one single word in DARIJA like SHOKRAN or 3AFAK, nothing,100% French, so I was pissed off and I was answering her in english, the girl she was like a frozen statue and she didn't know what to say.
I'm living in north America and I never forget my roots
yeah I almost forget, don't give a damn thing about making mistakes, or being shy to say what's in your mind because you're affraid that they're gonna notice your english is weak or this or that, don't care about that, just talk and talk and talk, that's the main key and the only way to improve you english
I'm still learing too
Probably I made some mistakes above, but I don't care
thumbs up

you give good advice about english :cool:
but sorry I don't understand what you did to this girl in the airport.

you don't know her... maybe her roots are french, maybe she doesn't speak a word in darija, who knows ?
don't be rude like this next time.


In each of us there is a little of all of us.
English people don't need to hear Najat 3tabo, they have many equivalents singers ! :claque::D

Britney is a good example (perfect equivalent) ! :D
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