Joueurs de Berkane bloqués à l'aéroport d'Alger

Good Morning.

We Told The Karghouli To Zip It And To Shut His Trap.
Lay Low We Said. It Is Morocco Time Now.
And It Will Be For A Long Time To Come.

The Karghouli Who Gave Us The Harki Could Not Sit Still. So What Did The Karghouli Do?
He Went Nuts. He Started Shitting All Over The Place. The Stench Was Unbearable.

The Karghouli Is What We Call In Morocco A Maskhoute Al Walidine.

1975. History In The Making.

The Cowards Claimed Their Army Was Not Ready To Fight Us In The Desert.
They said the same things in the 60s .... Hagrouna ....

Anyways They Thought They Could Bring Morocco Down To Its Knees. They Had Gas. They Had Oil.
They Had All These Allies .... The Soviet Union. Cuba. ..... And all those no good Arab leaders
like Crazy Qaddafi ...

Thieving Sons Of Bitches. Ungrateful MFs. They Wanted to Steal The Atlantic. My Atlantic.

Well They Miscaculated. Some 50 years and counting ... And they still don't know how to get out of the hole
they dug themselves into.
The Karghouli thinks very highly of himself. Why? No idea.

Totally baseless. Used And Abused. Some 400 years of Ottoman Rule and Some 150 years of French Harkism ....

I mean take a look at this Harki With A Tete De Turc.

Ronald Reagan God Bless Him.

Uncle Kader had a nice Officer's Villa adjacent to the base in Agadir.
The side door of the Villa led directly inside the base ...

Usually my uncle would take me with him to work in the morning
before lunch. I loved it. But a late summer evening, my dad joined us and the base felt deserted.

We walkeld all the way to this big arms depot .... Uncle Kader opened the gates
and turned to his older brother, my dad.
"Si Abderahmane. Take a look. We just got them.
A Gift From The Americans."

America Descend GIF by Nat Geo Wild

Jeeps and Tanks as far the eye can see.

It turned out Reagan sent these weapons when the Polikahara got to the Atlantic
and attacked Tan Tan. A sneak attack that will never be repeated. They were in a hurry.
They shot a few buildings and disappeared into the night ...

You See No Matter What The Karghouli Does, We Win.

Didn't I tell you the Karghouli Is A Maskhoute Al Walidine?

Season 5 Nbc GIF by The Office
You see Berkane did not play in Karghala. We got three points. The Score was Berkane 3 Karghala 0
Back in Berkane, this time around Karghala did not play. We STILL got three points. The Score once again was Berkane 3 Karghala 0

Who here does not agree with me that the Karghouli is A Maskhoute Al Walidine?

That 70S Show Lol GIF by Peacock
1979. The Atlantic Is Mine.

King Hassan knew that Sister Mauritania was the weak link.
So he was prepared. And when the Karaghila via their proxy
pressed the Mauritanians, Hassan II The Alaouite doubled down and dispatched the army
and we took over Dakhla Oued Eddahab. The Cowards were a NO SHOW. AGAIN.

Are you seeing a pattern here? Here is what I am seeing.
Every time the Karghouli Maskhoute Al Walidine makes a move, WE WIN.

Am I Wrong?
regardez ce qu'ils ont fait à l'hôtel à Berkane, ils ont tout cassé et ont volé les serviettes 😅
1979. Bir Anzarane.

II has now taken over Dakhla Oued Eddahab. Sister Mauritania threw in the towel.
The Karaghila made a little attempt. A sneaky attack but with an unusual high number
of mercenaries. Thousands. They meant business and they surrounded a camp of
Our Royal
Armed Forces
. That day the mercenaries seeing that the number of Moroccan troops
was much lower got excited and launched an attack ....

Boy Did They Make A Mistake. Those Troops Were The
Best Of The Best. The Cream Of The Crop.
They Fought The Karaghila And Their Cronies Like Hell. The Cowards Had No Choice But To Run
For Their Lives Leaving Scattered Bodies and Equipment Behind.

The Lion King GIF by Walt Disney Studios

The Karghouli Decided To Block Guerguarate.
It Did Not End Well For The Maskhoute Al Walidine.
We took advantage of his stupidity and we let him have his
fun for a couple of weeks.

Now we have blocked that whole sector. The Karghouli
Will Never See The Ocean Again And Take Pictures
For Propaganda Purposes.

I Tell You The Karghouli Is A Maskhoute Al Walidine.
Do You Agree?

Hype Yes GIF by Rosanna Pansino
What Does The Karghouli Do When He Makes A Dumb Move?

Well He Doubles Down. 2 * 3 = 6. You Can Bet On It.

In 2020 The Karghouli Declared War After Morocco Chased Him From Guerguarate. A War Nobody Talks About.

The Moroccans Will Never Forget Guerguarate. That Blessed Day The Karghouli Ran Like A Rat And Left His Sandals Behind.
No Shots Were Fired. The Moroccans Tricked The Karghouli. The Very Same Trick With A Little Twist Was Used In 1976. Amgala.
Dernière édition:
Do You Guys Think The Karghouli Is Suicidal?
Well we know the Karghouli Is Violent. Extremely Violent. Remember the 90s?
The Karghouli Killing The Harki And The Harki Killing The Karghouli.
Babies were not spared. Kids were not spared. Women were not spared. It Was Vicious. Pretty Ugly.

So Now Is The Karghouli Suicidal? It Is A Fair Question.
What Say You?

Brandon Scott Jones Reaction GIF by CBS
Dernière édition:

One Friday here in California on The West Coast, I woke up and I read that Trump who is on The East Coast, had recognized
the Western Sahara as Moroccan. This happened a couple of months after Guerguarate.

Trump Always Finds A Way To Make Me Laugh. And I Was All Smiles That Friday.

Donald Trump GIF

I tell you who was not laughing or smiling. The Karghouli Maskhoute Al Walidine.
The Karghouli Was In Panic Mode. Still Is.
Do you guys have any idea what the Karghouli does when in Panic Mode?

Well. He Gets On His Knees Pants Down.
It is Something He Learned Very Well During The Ottoman Rule.
Some 400 Years. He Excels At It.

Here Is A Sample Of A Harki Ibnou Karghouli In Panic Mode.



Tamaghrabit ô bekhire 3liya

Faut le poster Bladi robot :D
